071 649 8084 claims@fmrhail.co.za

Our Services

FMR can be categorized into 5 different divisions.

082 446 6628


Backoffice Claim Capturing

All hail damage claims would be sent to a centralized point at FMR where claims are
captured on the system. Claims are captured according to the following information:
a) Insurance Company.
b) Event – Where and When the hailstorm occurred.
c) System users – Top Level, Mid Level and Claims Handlers
d) Responsible PDR Company.

Front office Customer Interaction 

Our customer call center manages all interaction with the customer from the moment the
claim is received to the point where the claim has been finalized.
a) Appointments for assessments
b) Appointment for repairs
c) After Care services

Repair Centre Management

Each repair center has a dedicated log in from where bookings can be managed by way of a diary. The workload of each disaster center can be monitored by HQ and managed accordingly. The following functions form part of the workshop desktop:
a) Receiving a vehicle for repairs.
b) Updating the repair progress.
c) Ordering parts online.
d) Delivering a vehicle.
The workshop module has been developed as a “live update program” where processes
and progress is updated regularly.

Overall Project Management

From a management point of view we are able to monitor and manage each individual catastrophe center with access to the following:
a) A complete overview of each project in terms of volumes and schedules.
b) The ability to manage outstanding or current issues on short notice.
c) Management of workload and the flow of vehicles over a given period.

Operational Requirements 

As a separate division within FMR, requirements such as Assessments, Audatex Quotes and Final Repair Costs are managed with access to the following:
a) Original assessments, including photos that are saved on our server.
b) Audatex are run via our inhouse Audatex personnel.
c) Final Repair Cost are calculated by FMR and all contractual obligations are the
responsibility of FMR.

Our Services & Offers


Increased Workforce

Using a traditional PDR Company has limitations during times that claims are scattered. If, for example, ABSA has 10 claims in Rustenburg, 5 in Klerksdorp, 12 in Nelspruit and a large catastrophe of 200 claims in Polokwane, it would be difficult for 1 or even 2 contracted companies to attend to the wide-spread claims. Claims are declined and traditional Body
Shops are used for repairs. The cost factor skyrockets when claims are referred to
traditional Panel Beaters. With the FMR program there is a much larger number of PDR Companies that contract to FMR, thereby increasing the workforce tenfold.


Bottleneck Management

Although all customers would like to have their repairs attended to as fast as possible it is not always possible to help everyone at once. FMR manages claims to avoid the bottleneck effect and find a smooth but consistent repair process. Once repair centers are overbooked, be it a PDR Company or a traditional Panel Beater,
progress becomes much slower and poor workmanship becomes evident. This is probably the largest negative factor during times of large catastrophes.


Call Center Volumes

a) With the unique “follow my repairs” online system that gives customers access to the progress on their vehicles, in-coming call volumes are reduced by up to 90%,
giving the call center operators more time to focus on other claims outside the CAT.

b) Call Center personnel also make less calls to follow up on claims. Claim progress is available online by way of a simple search: Reg Number or Claim Number.


Project Statistics

Access to statistics on numerous projects at the same time. Statistics broken down as
a) Total Number of claims.
b) Number of assessments completed.
c) Number of assessments with a confirmed appointment.
d) Number of assessments with no appointment.

e) Average repair estimate per vehicle.
f) Estimated project cost.

g) Actual average repair cost per vehicle.
h) Over/Under in relation to Estimate.
i) Actual project cost.
j) Over/Under in relation to project estimate.

k) Average cost for parts – calculated on average per vehicle.
l) Total spend on parts for project.
m) Average cost for paint – calculated on average per vehicle.
n) Total spend on paint for project.


What To Expect

FMR provides an oversight on all hail damage claims, irrespective of where those claims are located and who the repairer is, all managed from a single platform.

Unlike other systems, FMR was designed to manage projects by only giving access to participants in a project according to their duties and responsibilities, thereby eliminating the overwhelming amount of information usually accompanied by similar systems.